
The 1903 National Motorcycle Show, Crystal Palace, Page 805

The Raleigh Cycle Co.

The Raleigh Cycle Co., Ltd., of Nottingham, will exhibit on their stand at the National Show a 3 h.p. chain-driven motor cycle, embodying all the most improved and up-to-date ideas as applied to motor bicycles. All taps and levers are dispensed with-on this machine, it being controlled from the handlebar by means of twisting handles and Bowden wire. The engine is fitted with a governor, which allows the machine to be driven from a mere crawl up to thirty-five miles an hour. The drive is by a Hans Renold motor chain from a spring clutch on the engine pulley to a countershaft, and thence to a spring chain wheel on the driving wheel...

Continued: Raleigh 1903-1904 Models

The Rex Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

One of the largest (and also handsomest) stands in the show will be that occupied by the Rex Motor Manufacturing Company, as we are informed that they have reserved a space one hundred feet long for this purpose, on which they will be showing no less than fifty motor bicycles and three Tricars. We are also informed that, following the tendency of the times, the horse-power of the Rex motor bicycle for next season is increased to 3¼...

Continued: Rex 1903-1904 Models

Singer and Co., Ltd.

To meet all tastes Singer motors are now made either as belt-drivers, chain-drivers, or gear-drivers. Specimens of all these types will be exhibited. The new patterns are the Special Singer B.D. (belt-driven), with 3 h.p. engine in the frame, and the Singer forecarriage - a special design embodying new and important features in method of attachment to the bicycle frame and in steering gear. The 3 h.p. chain-driver, although not exactly a new pattern, is exhibited for the first time....

Continued: Singer 1903-1904 Models

The Motor Cycle November 18th, 1903 Page 805

Crystal Palace Show 1903 Index