
1903 National Show, Crystal Palace, Page 849

Friswell, Ltd.

Though Messrs. Friswell's stands (Nos. 22 and 23) are mainly devoted to motor cars, still space is found for two or three examples of their standard Peugeot motor bicycle. The Peugeot machine is built on accepted lines, the design being very neat and attractive. Mechanically, the principal feature is the front rim brake...

Continued: Peugeot 1903

Rex Improvements.

For 1904 the Rex Motor Manufacturing Co. have introduced several detail improvements, which are to be seen on a large number of Rex machines exhibited on Stands 104, 105, and 106. The cylinders are now so designed that a current of cooling air is permitted to pass between the cylinder proper and the valve box. In general outline, the machines remain the same, though a 3¼ h.p. engine...

Continued: Rex 1903-1904 Models

The Star Cycle Co., Ltd.

The above firm, who it will be remembered were until recently fitting the well-known French Griffon motor, now supply a bicycle and engine of their own, of which they are exhibiting nine very smart looking machines. The engine, which is very much on the lines of their former one, is of the aircooled type, with automatic inlet valve. It is fixed vertically in the frame by means of two cradles, which are bolted to the two lower extremities of the down tubes by means of six bolts passing through lugs on the outside of the crank chamber. The ignition is of the usual cell and coil type, the carburetter being provided by the well-known Longuemare spray. The transmission is by means of a V belt, which conveys the engine power to a pulley firmly spoked on to the rim of the rear wheel. Two rim brakes are provided, actuated by Bowden wires from the handle-bar. (Stand 118.)

F. H. Parkyn.

The principal feature of the 2¾ h.p. Olympic machine, which is carried out on recognised lines, is the fitting of the coil and the accumulator in a polished wooden box attached to the rear of the seat-tube. The petrol tank is contained between the upper and the lower members of the frame, the engine being carried in a dropped lower member and placed in a vertical position.The switch is placed near the right handle, and is operated by the thumb, enabling the current to be instantly switched off. The exhaust valve-lifter is actuated by the sparking advance lever, the exhaust valve being lifted after the spark has been retarded in the usual manner. (Stand 9.)

Olympic Motorcycles

The Motor Cycle November 25th, 1903. p849

Crystal Palace Show 1903 Index