
Motorcycles at the 1922 Olympia Show

NOVEMBER 23rd, 1922. Page 758
The Olympia Show.


Stand 130.

Possessing an old-established reputation for sturdiness, Hazlewood motor cycles are typical of the better class of makes using proprietary components in a sensible manner, but employing parts to the firm's own design when this course appears advisable.

Lightweight solo machines and medium weight and heavyweight twin sidecar outfits will be shown. J.A.P. engines are used in every case, and chain-cum-belt or all chain transmission is employed according to price. Two de. luxe sidecar outfits retain the well-known Hazlewood spring seat pillar and have well-designed rear internal expanding brakes.

Hazlewood 1923 Models


Stand 131.

Although a very novel Rover model will make its first appearance at the Show, we are not at liberty to disclose details until next week.

Few changes of importance have been made to the 654 c.c. twin or to the 499 c.c. single.

Continued: Rover Motorcycles for 1923


Stand 132.

Various modifications and improvements have been made to the two-stroke Connaught, which is one of the pioneers of its class, and therefore worthy of close attention.

Special cast aluminium exhaust manifolds have been designed for the standard and the sporting 348 c.c. engines, and the silencing arrangements on both are thoroughly adequate. Brake operation has been made more easy, and lubrication, by a Showell mechanical pump, has received careful attention regarding the internal distribution of the oil.

A new sidecar, made by the firm, will also be staged, as well as examples of the 293 c.c. models modified in some respects like the larger machines.

Continued: Connaught Motorcycles for 1923


Stand 133.

One of the first machines to adopt the 5O0 c.c. Barr and Stroud engine is the Rex-Acme, and a model so fitted will be staged. Externally it resembles the 500 c.c. "Impy" model which will be shown as a sidecar outfit.

Other Rex-Acmes employ 350 c.c. B. & S., 250 c.c. and 350 c.c. Blackburne, and 239 c.c. J.A.P. engines. Chain transmission is standard except on the two smallest machines and on a new two-stroke miniature making its first appearance.

Continued: Rex-Acme 1923 Models

The Motor Cycle, November 1922

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