
Motorcycles at the 1922 Olympia Show

NOVEMBER 23rd, 1922. Page 769
The Olympia Show.


Stand 161.

Perhaps the most interesting Quadrant is the new 490 c.c. single-cylinder model, introduced in. early October. This machine, which is of pleasing appearance, has a side-by-side valve engine with a detachable head. Transmission is by chain via a Sturmey three-speed gear box. An internal expanding band brake is fitted to the front wheel, the rear brake being a fibre block working in a dummy belt rim. The price, solo, is £63, and, with a light sidecar. £80.

The 654 c.c. chain-cum-belt and chain-driven dual-purpose machines have been even further reduced in price, £90 being the cost of the cheapest outfit.


Stand 164.

Although eight different machines will he staged they by no means fully represent the very complete range of Sirrah and Verus motor cycles. None of the types shown is of a greater capacity than 350 c.c.

Bearing the Verus transfer will be a two-speed touring 349 c.c. Blackburne-engined mount and two three-speed models with the o.h.v. engine of the same make and capacity, and a side-valve 348 c.c. J.A.P. respectively.

The Sirrahs range from the 150 c.c. o.h.v. Weaver motorised bicycle to the 292 c.c. Union-engined two-stroke sidecar outfit. Excepting the miniature and a 248 c.c. Blackburne model, all the Sirrahs are two-strokes.

Broadly speaking, the Verus is the de luxe model of the Sirrah.


Stand 166.

Chain-drive is employed in a new model of the Dunelt, a big single-cylinder (499 c.c.) two-stroke of proved capability for sidecar work. The wheel-base of the latest addition is shorter than hitherto, and the silencing arrangements have been much improved.

One or two modifications have also been made to the engine, which, it will be recalled, has a double diameter piston. Greater fuel economy has been obtained from a special type of Amac carburetter which also gives an appreciable increase m power.

Prices vary from £75 for the chain-cum-belt solo model to £117 for the chain-driven sidecar outfit with detachable and interchangeable front and sidecar wheels.


Stand 168.

Successes in various speed events, including the T.T., have brought the Sheffield-Henderson very quickly into the limelight. The 349 c.c. o.h.v. Blackburne-engined model of this make was also one of the first machines to be offered with a definite speed guarantee - 70 m.p.h., in this case.

Touring and sporting-side valve Blackburne, sporting o.h.v. Blackburne, and dual-purpose Bradshaw models all in the 350 c.c. class comprise the Sheffield-Henderson range, and all have chain transmission and three-speed Burman gear boxes. Their curious but not unattractive-looking frame construction is now familiar to most people.

Sheffield-Henderson Motorcycles

The Motor Cycle, November 1922

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