Stanley Show



For the convenience of motor cyclists who will be visiting the National Cycle and Motor Show at the Crystal Palace and the Stanley Cycle and Motor Show at the Agricultural Hall, we have prepared a rough guide to the two exhibitions. It will be understood that this guide does not profess to be absolutely complete. It is impossible to prepare an anticipatory article which deals with every motor cycle or accessory which will be shown in the two exhibitions which open on Friday next, the 20th inst., arid close on the following Saturday week, the 28th inst. Our aim, as far as possible, has been to ascertain the most interesting and most novel items in the show's. Many of the better known and well-established makes are only briefly touched upon, not because they lack merit, but on account of the fact that they are so well known, though wTe have endeavoured, where it is possible, to give an indication of any radical changes which have been made in am established designs.

Everyone should make a point of visiting both the shows, if possible, as he will not be able to see all that is worth seeing from the motor cyclist's point of view unless he does this. The Stanley Show will have the larger number of motor cycles, and will be very much stronger in accessories for motor cycles than the National; but the National Show will have some of the leading makes of motor cycles, and some striking departures from current practice. Not only so, but trials and demonstrations will take place each day in the grounds. We refer elsewhere to the general tendency towards the vertically-placed engine at a point as nearly as possible on the centre line of the wheelbase, but it will be found from examination of the models in the two shows that this position is very far from becoming general. The main features of the designs in both show's are towards more powerful engines, and in several cases these engines, when for propulsion of bicycle and trailer or for tandem or sociable work, are provided with water-cooling. Quite a number of cycle engines will be shown in their water-cooled form for the first time, and the same remarks apply to variable speed gears which hitherto have not been shown to the public, systems of transmission, and some exceedingly striking designs in motor cycles for two people.

As to the parts, fittings, and accessories, their name is legion, and they are all well worthy of attention. Every firm attempting to supply the wants of the motor cyclist seems to have given his requirements the most careful consideration, and whether it be in the way of special clothing or of some almost infinitesimal detail in connection with the mechanism, we find that the same practical thought has been given to the matter. In fact, taking the shows on their merits, it is remarkable how very few of the ideas which will be shown are what is known as wild cat ideas; almost everything is of a practical nature. We do not mean to say there is no superfluous ingenuity, but, speaking broadly, even the things which are not likely to be permanent features are at least ingenious, and their design is based upon practical experience. That is to say, most of the new things are the product of the brains of practical motor cyclists who ride the machines they manufacture, and therefore understand them; the outside inventor has not yet got in much of his more or less superfluous ingenuity.


Alldays and Onions

A most interesting exhibit of their new pattern motor cycles, some of which have forecariages[1] attached. Alldays are also showing their latest pattern "Traveller." There are many special features and inventions throughout this exhibit. The bicycle motor is made wholly by Messrs. Alldays and Onions, and all parts are interchangeable. The frame is designed with a special cradle (registered) for carrying the motor in an upright position.

The tank has compartments for two accumulators, coil, lubricating oil, and sufficient petrol for one hundred and sixty miles. A float register is provided, and is always visible; for showing the quantity of petrol in the tank. The weight of the machine complete does not exceed no lbs. The machines fitted with forecariages are strongly built, and a specially designed frame is constructed for carrying a well-finished and smartly upholstered bucket seat. The "Travellers" will be shown in two styles, viz., one with seat for two passengers at the back, with a box in front for luggage (the box is detachable and can be replaced by a seat for one passenger), and the other fitted up for three passengers. The speciality of these machines is their hill-climbing capabilities and their economical and inexpensive up-keep.

Alldays & Onions 1903

The Ariel Cycle Co., Ltd.

Motor bicycles will form the chief exhibit of the pioneer manufacturers of all-British motor cycles. Ten motor bicycles will be shown, with a variety of Ariel sidecarriages and forecarriages, prices varying from thirty-five guineas upwards. One of the special features of this exhibit will be the new 3½ h.p. Ariel engine, with the now popular mechanically operated valves. This model has been specially designed for use in conjunction with sidecarriage or forecarriage. The engine is up to the usual well-known Ariel standard, and bristles with good points, a few being: Extra large phosphor bronze bearings; fly-wheels of equal weight; new designed contact breaker with transparent celluloid face; two to one gear, rotated by a worm drive, entirely detachable i without disturbing the crank case. The 3½ h.p. Ariel motor bicycle will be fitted with Ariel duplex front forks, Longuemare spray carburetter...

Continued: Ariel 1903

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 791