Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903 p792

Bradbury and Co., Ltd.

The makers of the Peerless motor bicycle, who have just won first honours in the two hundred miles reliability trial for the S. F. Edge cup, will exhibit a full set of standard pattern machines. The new features of the 1904 Peerless will be an entirely new contact- breaker of the wipe type. The contact case is a metal ring oscillating on a bracket attached to the crank chamber, fitted internally with a hard fibre ring, and a metal section to make the contact. The wiper is a swing lever attached to and revolving with the exhaust lifter cam...

Continued: Bradbury 1903

Brown Bros., Ltd.

The Great Eastern Street firm will show Brown motor bicycles in 2 h.p., 2¾ h.p., and 3½ h.p. sizes. The cylinder and head are cast in one piece, the 2¾ and 3½ having M.O.V. The flywheels are ¾in. larger in diameter. A combined triple head and girder forks will be fitted, giving great strength...

Continued: Brown Bros 1903

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 792