Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903, p794

A. C. Davison.

Viaduct Works, Coventry. Mr. Davison will exhibit 2 and 2¾ h.p. Davison motor bicycles, the special features being magneto ignition and a new system of handle-bar control, by which two or more levers can be conveniently operated by the thumb of one hand.

A new trussed front fork on scientific lines will be shown, with all the members straight and their centre lines meeting in a point. The handle-bar adjustment and ball head adjustment are also independent. The Davison self-lifting motor bicycle stand and a patented system of petrol and oil gauges will also be on view.

Davison 1902-08

The East London Rubber Co.

This firm's speciality at the Stanley Show will be Kerry motor bicycles in 2¼, 2¾, and 3½ h.p. A special point will be made of engine sets and motor cycle sets for agents, so that they may build machines themselves. The Kerry engine this year will be set vertical in a curved tube frame, but if preferred the engine sets and motor cycle sets can be supplied with the engine set into a loop frame.

A full range of all motor tyres, fittings, and accessories will also be found at this stand.

Kerry History

The Enfield Cycle Co.

The Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., have now equipped an entirely new factory for the production of motor cycles, and from their exhibit it will be seen that the Enfield Co. do not look upon motors as a " side line." The experience gained during the last few years in the building of motor quadricycles, tricycles, and bicycles has served them in good stead. For 1904, the Royal Enfield belt-driven motor bicycle is equipped either with 2¾ or 3½ h.p. vertical engine, spray carburetter, and specially large silencer. Great attention has been devoted to the strength of the frame and front forks, and the bicycle has a very handsome and workmanlike appearance. The Royal Enfield chain-driven motor bicycle is the machine which attracted so much attention at last year's show, and will also be staged. The engine, which is made by the Enfield Co., is of the vertical type, 2½ h.p., and one the chief features is the single chain which is employed for starting the machine, and for transmitting the power from the motor to the rear hub.

Royal Enfield 1903

The Faceler Motor Syndicate.

The motor bicycle exhibited by this firm will consist of an engine and set designed and made to fit a heavy roadster bicycle frame. This is accomplished by cutting out part of the diagonal tube, placing the motor above the bottom bracket, to which it is secured by a malleable clamp, which completely encircles the bracket and clips on to the tube on both sides...

Continued: Faceler 1903-04

The Garrard Manufacturing Co.

will exhibit Clément-Garrard motor cycles of all their various models, viz., one Paris-Rome vertical model, which is fitted with 1½ h.p. engine, surface carburetter, and belt drive (this is a new model, and is made expressly for those who require an engine in a vertical position); the Paris-Rome model, with inclined engine, fitted with two-speed gear and chain drive; also the Phoenix-Park model 2 h.p., with two speed gear, and combined belt and chain drive; and the twin-cylinder engine pattern will also be shown. The Garrard suspended fork, which has been designed to overcome the vibration difficulty, and a new combined stand and carrier will complete what will be a most, attractive exhibit.

Garrard 1902-04

Griffon Motors, Ltd.

This is a new firm who are exploiting the 2¾ h.p. Griffon motor cycles in this country. Mechanically operated valves are fitted of the latest pattern, with automatic Longuemare carburetters. The exhaust valve is lifted on retarding the spark, and the transmission is by a twisted belt. A very powerful backpedalling brake operates on the rear pulley, the wheels being shod with Clipper-Michelin tyres. The weight is 110 lbs., which is very light for a 2¾ h.p. machine.

Griffon (London) 1903-06

T. C. Henckce — The 1904 Bichrone Motor.

This is a 2¼ h.p. two-stroke motor of great simplicity, and with few parts to get out of order. The following changes have been made in the new model: Wipe contact ignition, which works with ordinary coil, the petrol being vaporised in the latest type of Vaur's carburetter. In the old pattern the exhaust pipe and sparking plug were in close proximity to the down tube; their positions have now been altered. The plug is protected from oil by a baffle plate, and the lift of the inlet valve can be regulated. The crank chamber is made of phosphor bronze instead of aluminium ; the flywheel is screwed on to the crankshaft, not bolted: the pulley is detachable, and is suitable either for a V or flat belt. One charge of oil is sufficient for fifty miles. There will be also a new 3½ h.p. engine, the same in all details as the 2¼ except that it will be water cooled...

Continued: Bichrone 1902-1907

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 794