Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903, p795

Hobart Bird and Co.

are showing three Hobart motor cycles fitted with their standard 2¾ h.p. engines, and one fitted with a larger engine, viz., 3¼ h.p. They have somewhat altered the frame design for the coming season, although it still maintains the distinctive features originally introduced. The Hobart Tricar is also now shown for the first time.

Hobart 1903

The Imperial Cycle and Motor Co.

have got an exceedingly good thing in a new registered frame, which takes the motor in a vertical position. The cradle of the frame so takes the engine that the vibration is absorbed, and the engine can be put in or taken out in a few minutes' time. The engine is also fitted with a new patent wipe contact, and the motor itself is controlled by two levers. The engine develops 3½ h.p. on the brake.

Imperial 1901-1903

The Iris Motor Co.

The principal feature of this firm's exhibit will be the two-cylinder water-cooled engine and the friction clutch, both of which have appeared in these pages recently. To describe the clutch, this handy device, which consists of a wheel with strap attached, fits on to the engineshaft in the same way as a starting handle. By giving a sharp pull the motor is started, the rider takes his seat, pushes the machine gently off to overcome the inertia, and releases the clutch, which immediately picks up without any jar, and the vehicle moves off quietly and easily. Thus, pedals are not needed, and are only fitted when specially ordered. The two-cylinder water-cooled engine of 5 h.p. is no wider than one of the single-cylinder type, and is just the thing for forecarriage and sidecar work.

Iris of London 1902-04

The Jehu Motor Co., Ltd.

This company will have a show of ten machines, amongst which are the Jehu tandem 3 h.p. 75 by 80 chain-driven, Jehu free engine clutch, 23in. frame, two accumulators, two-way switch, 1½ gallons petrol capacity, 200 miles oil ditto, governor on exhaust valve by varying the lift, valve lifter on handle-bar, also clutch control and other controls as usual; a 3 h.p. safety (same specification as above), no forecarriage...

Continued: Jehu 1901-05

W. King and Co., Cambridge,

will exhibit six machines. All King machines are fitted with M.M.C. and Daw motors from 2¾ to 3½ h.p., and two P. and R. accumulators connected with a two-way switch. The accumulators are neatly and securely fitted in an acid-proof wood case, breaking and short circuiting being impossible. To ensure a perfect and sufficient supply of gas the 4 h.p. Longumare carburetters are fitted both with air and throttle levers, also a very large and effective silencer. Powerful back-pedalling and front rim brakes are provided. The transmission is by means of a very strong V belt, but a chain drive with a two-speed gear can be fitted to order. Bassee and Michel large contact breaker, and a trembler coil are fitted. The forecars supplied to suit are of the very latest design.

King 1901-1905

The Lamaudiere Motor Bicycle,

This motor cycle, which has an excellent reputation both on the Continent and in England, will be exhibited by the See Motor Car Supply Co., of Oxford Circus, W. It is of 2½ h.p., and having a free engine it is claimed that it is as easy to drive in the busiest traffic as on the quietest roads; the engine being constructed entirely of steel is therefore very strong and light, and cools instantly. Indeed, the makers inform us that even when running at 2,000 revolutions per minute the engine does not get hot, and there is no smell whatever. This same firm is also making and supplying the Samson-Hutchinson patent non-skid unpuncturable leather bands, about which such favourable reports have come to hand lately. Specimens of these to fit both motor cycles and cars will be on show at this stand.

Lamaudière-Labre (Lamaudiere-Mauger) 1903

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 795