Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903 p797

The Mohawk Motor and Cycle Works.

The old-established Mohawks will have a full line of motor cycles at the Stanley. These are 3 and 2¾ h.p. respectively. The engines are vertical, with Longuemare carburetters, flat or V-belts, valve-lifter, and Peto and Radford accumulators. The forks are of a specially strengthened pattern, with extra slays right up to the ball head clip.

Mohawk 1903-04

The Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

This important exhibit will as usual occupy an important position and create great interest. First in order comes the M.M.C. 2 ¾ h.p. bicycle motor, with automatic inlet valve, loose head, and cylinder. This is the motor which has probably won more races, hill climbs, and reliability trials than any other. For 1904 the 2¾ h.p. bicycle motor will have a mechanically operated inlet valve, loose head and cylinder, and will be supplied with and without high tension magneto ignition. This pattern, in addition, can also be fitted with a head and cylinder in one casting. For forecarriages, sidecars, and where great power is required, the 1904 water cooled M.M.C. 4 h.p. bicycle engine has been specially designed, and will be found on more than one manufacturer's stand throughout the two shows. No motor cyclist or manufacturer should miss this exhibit.

MMC 1898-1904

The New Revolution Cycle Co., Ltd.

This company is showing its latest 2½ h.p. motor cycle, fitted with a special carburetter of its own design, which the firm guarantee to run with a mixture of half paraffin, half petrol, without loss of power. Also a patent portable stand, which is brought into action by the mere touching of a button.

Revolution 1904-06

The Ormonde Motor Co.

As might be expected, there will be many detail improvements in the 1904 Ormondes. The valves will be at the side of the cylinder, and the inlet valve will be mechanically operated; of the two, the exhaust will be nearer the front wheel. The ball release valve will be improved, the ball having a steel seating top and bottom. The flywheels will be 2 in. larger in diameter, with all the weight on the periphery. The bore and stroke of the standard pattern will be 80 x 80; also a larger type will be shown, 84 x 84. The distribution gear cogs will be smaller, to admit of more delicate adjustment in the timing. The connecting rod will be H-shaped...

Ormonde 1900-1904

The Oxford Automobile and Cycle Agency.

The above Automobile and Cycle Agency are exhibiting the Morris motor bicycles, fitted with belt drive; also some with chain drive and clutch, giving free engine. They will be fitted with the Morris patent carburetter and registered frame. They are also fitting the new 2¾ h.p. M.M.C. engines with mechanical inlet valves.

Morris 1902-05

Phoenix Motors, Ltd.

This firm will exhibit the following motor bicycles and Trimos, which will constitute their types for next season: Motor bicycles — 2 h.p., belt drive. 2¾ h.p., with chain drive, two-speed gear, and free engine. (This will also be made with belt drive, to which two-speed gear can be fitted.) Trimos — 3½ h.p., with chain drive, two-speed gear, and free engine. 3½ h.p., with twin belt drive, to which two speed gear and free engine can be fitted. 2¾ h.p., with chain drive, two-speed gear, and free engine. 2¾ h.p., with single belt drive. (The 2¾ h.p. and 3½ h.p. machines will all be made with improved strengthened frame, wide bracket, obviating the necessity of setting out the crank. All motor cyclists should make a point of examining the Phoenix two-speed gear and free engine, which were fully illustrated and described in our issue of November 4th. Other interesting features will be the adjustable spraying nozzle to the carburetter, a combined stand carrier and mudguard, and petrol and oil gauges. The original Minerva inclined engine position will be a standard on all Phoenix motor cycles for 1904.

Phoenix (1903)

John A. Prestwich and Co.

The makers of the J.A.P. engine are exhibiting at the Stanley Show four or five motor bicycles, each fitted with their different sets. The new 3½ h.p. engine has several new features, the inlet and exhaust valves being both mechanically-operated by a single lift rod. This rod, as will be seen in our illustration, works up the side of the cylinder, and operates a centrally pivoted lever on the top. All long port holes have been avoided, and the valve seats are both independent of the cylinder...

Continued: JAP 1903

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. Page 797