Stanley Show

Stanley Show 1903, p828

Clarke, Cluley, and Co.

The motor cycles on Messrs. Clarke-Cluley's stand are fitted with a contact-breaker of their own design. One wiping brush is of ordinary construction, but a second wiping brush is used for the earth current. The forecar on their stand has many features of interest, amongst which are the longitudinal tubes, which run from the forecar axle to the back spindle. These are adjustable in length to enable the chain to be adjusted. The bodywork is beautifully sprung, and a specially wide belt is employed. (Stand 96.)

Globe 1901-05

Bradbury and Co., Ltd.

The Peerless motor cycles are fitted with a new type of contact-breaker, with an internal wiping roller, which tends to increase its wiping action as the speed of the motor increases. The contact-breaker is enclosed in a hinged glass t face, with a snap catch, and, therefore, is easily opened without undoing any screws. The petrol capacity has been, enlarged, and the machines are now fitted with two sets of accumulators and a two-way switch. The forecar shown on this stand is of the non-detachable type...

Continued: Bradbury 1903

Oxford Automobile and Cycle Agency.

Here are shown the Morris motor cycles fitted with M.M.C. and De Dion engines. The principal point of interest in the bicycle is a new pattern wick carburetter designed by Mr. Morris, the works manager. The engine is built rather high and forward in the frame, the loop going right underneath the crank chamber. The forecarriage is fitted with the Phoenix Trimo attachment...

Continued: Morris 1902-05

The Abingdon Works Co., Ltd.

The above firm is showing a light 2¾ h.p. motor tricycle on new lines. It is belt-driven, and on the rear axle is an aluminium pulley of 12in. diameter. The use of more equal sized pulleys tends to make the belt grip well. Inside the gear box there is a two to one reduction gear, and the differential. The engine fitted is a 2¾ h.p. Minerva. The bicycle parts are well made, and all the work is beautifully finished...

Continued: Abingdon

W. H. Halliwell.

This firm is exhibiting the Aurora motor bicycle, which is entirely Coventry made. The engines used are either 2½ h.p. or 3½ h.p. Customers are entitled to select the carburetter or tyres they prefer. A wipe contact and trembler coil is fitted. The belt is again left to the customers' choice, but the firm recommends the flat belt. (Stand 306, Gallery.)

Aurora (Coventry) 1902-1907

Elswick Cycles Mfg. Co., Ltd.

In addition to an ordinary pattern motor cycle fitted with a 2 h.p. engine, the Elswick Co. are showing a twin cylinder of 4 h.p. The two cylinders are inclined at an angle of ninety degrees, the connecting rods working on to one crankshaft. The carburetter, which is of the F.N. pattern, is fitted midway between the two cylinders...

Continued: Elswick 1903-1915

The Motor Cycle, November 25th, 1903. Page 828