
1937 Stevens 500cc

Estimate: (£) 14,000 - 16,000
Frame Number:49837
Engine Number: n/a
Body Colour:Black
In May 1932 the Stevens brothers established a new company based at the Retreat Street Works to continue motorcycle production under their own name following the sale of AJS. The first machine to bear the Stevens name was a 250 single typed the DS1 to be followed by a 350 and in April 1935 two 500's, the LP5 and HP6.

The 500 Stevens offered was purchased from the factory during 1937 by Mr Jack Parker of Blackwell. Upon taking receipt of the machine Mr Parker campaigned it at Brooklands, Silverstone and Dagenham.

The machine was discovered by a Mr L Jackson, when he was clearing up Mr Parker's London garden, the bike residing under a bush. A letter regarding the machine written by Mr Jackson accompanies the motorcycle in which the history as told to Mr Jackson by Mr Parker is given. It would seem the Mr Jackson started the restoration of the motorcycle before selling it to K W Lloyd.

The machine, which is believed to be the only 500cc Stevens extant in Europe and one of only two 500's world wide, is offered today in fully restored condition together with the correspondence referred to above, an AJS and Matchless Owners Club dating certificate and receipts relating to the restoration. Presented to a very high standard with black paintwork it is described as being in mechanically good condition following the restoration and wears a baffled megaphone characteristic of the model.
Kindly supplied H&H Classic Auctions
Stevens Motor Manufacturing

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Stevens Motor Cycles