Australian Motorcycles

Veribest Motorcycles

Manufactured by Alfred E. Holmes, Scottsdale, Tasmania, 1914-1918

It is reported that Veribest motorcycles were constructed using Villiers, Precision, Peugeot and Saroléa engines. The Holmes bicycle of that brand is mentioned in the press for those years, including several in 1913, but there is no mention of a Veribest motorcycle.



Having purchased the business lately carried on by FRITH BROS., the public are hereby notified that the business is now carried on in the new premises, KING-STREET.

BICYCLE REPAIRS and all small Machinery Repairs effected.

B.S.A. Bikes Built to Order for £12/10/-. High-grade English Machines built to order, from £8.

Remittance must accompany all Orders by Post.


Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas. : 1883 - 1928) Sat 3 May 1913



(Alf. E. Holmes and Tas. Holmes)

Wish to notify the public that they have now taken over the Motor and Engineering Business in King Street, Scottsdale, lately carried on by Mr F. H. Briggs, and formerly by Alf E. Holmes.

Car owners can now rely upon getting their work promptly attended to, and satisfactorily carried out by skilled mechanics, who have had at least 5 years experience.

All kinds of motor car, motor cycle, engineering, water and gas fittings done at shortest possible notice.

North-Eastern Advertiser (Scottsdale, Tas) Fri 14 Jun 1918


Motor and Engineering Works

A Progressive Business

Scottsdale and the North East Coast generally are fortunate in possessing such an up-to-date and complete motor and engineering shop as that so successfully conducted by Holmes .Bros, at their commodious and well equipped establishment, King Street. A glance round shows that there is no need for the motor car driver motor cyclist, or ordinary push cyclist to go to the city for every class of repair and for the very best accessories and requisites. This shop is well equipped with all the most modern devices for producing the best possible work, and the proprietary have succeeded admirably in satisfying the public of their ability to execute repairs or small engineering work in the very best and most reliable manner, at prices in many cases below those of city gauges and firms. That being so, every Northeastern motor and cycle man should make a point of supporting local industry and progressive enterprise, all exemplified by the fine work turned out by this popular firm, and give Holmes Bros the patronage their merit richly deserves.

Passing motorists will here find all supplies of best petrols, oil, lamps tyres, tubes, etc at lowest possible prices, and all A1 quality. This popular and progressive firm have also made a solid reputation in with their famous and fast 'Veribest' cycle, which has proved true to name on many a Tasmanian track. This machine, which is one of the most reliable and popular, is "built like a watch" of the very best materials and parts, whilst the workmanship and finish are as high class as that put into any machine in the State. Indeed the whole record of this popular firm is one of progress, achieved as the result of giving patrons the best work possible. Holmes Bros are also local agents for the world famous Red Indian motor cycles.

North-Eastern Advertiser (Scottsdale, Tas.) Tue 24 Jun 1919

Sources: Simon Fleming, Trove NLA

If you have a query or information about this Australian motorcycle please contact us