German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Krupp Scooters

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufacturer: Krupp, Essen

The firm was founded by Fritz Neumeyer and Thiel in 1917, and was a division of the armaments company of the same name. After the war they were forbidden from arms production, and this was one of the many ventures in other fields which they undertook.

In 1919 Krupp built the first scooter in Germany, a front-wheel drive design built under licence to Autoped.

The price in 1920 was 4,500 marks - around 3.5 months pay for the average worker.

Production ended in 1922.

Specifications: Four-stroke single-cylinder engine, 191cc (or 198cc) with a top speed of 35 kph and weighing just under 60 kg.

Operation: If the handlebar was pushed forward the engine engaged the front wheel; turning the throttle accellerated the scooter. To disengage the engine and operate the brake, the handlebar was pulled back towards the rider.

Another licenced version of the Autoped was built by Imperial-Motor-Industries in the UK.

Sources: François-Marie Dumas,, et al.

Krupp Three-wheelers

It's a bit of a stretch to include these machines in a section on scooters. These were industrial-grade tricycles, behemoths which ploughed fields, swept streets and conveyed teams of firefighters, their ladders and squirty-things to the source of the latest conflagration.

Built from 1921 at their Essen factory, the Dreirad-Kehrmaschinen were exported to Sweden and South America until 1923 when the French occupied the Ruhr as part of WWI reparations.

Source: Axel Oskar Mathieu Archive

Krupp in Montevideo
alanjas at
Searching information about Krupp scooters, I found your site.
The years of 1921 to 1923 is useful to dating some photographs.
In Montevideo (Uruguay) some of them where imported for the city municipality (in spanish: Intendencia de Montevideo).
The use was for the cleaning departure, with a sweep for clean the avenues and streets.
Here you will find 3 photographs of them:
When arrives at Montevideo and was presented to the public:
One of the sweeper
Back view of one

    Krupp-1921c-Sweeper-Montevideo-24763FMHGE posted to Comments

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