German Motorrad

Today in Motorcycle History

Original Nofa Mopeds

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured by Johann Lehmkuhl Großhandel, Oldenburg

Often referred to as just "Nofa", numerous moped models were built in the 1950s and 60s.

In 1921 they were dealers for a number of motorcycle and bicycle brands including Bismarck, Cito and Opel.

The firm began building bicycles in 1922, and possibly built lightweight motorcycles in the late 1930s. The substantial Oldenburg factory was destroyed in a bombing raid during WWII.

Nofa Models

    Avus GS III
    Avus GS IV
    Luxus Super
    Stabil (1954)
    Motorrad (1951)

The Avus model name was also used by Goebel.
Sources:,, Farben-Schiessl.

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