Italian Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Figini & Lazzati Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Italian Marque

Probably the first all-Italian motorcycle, this "bicicletto" was built at Moscova 70, Milan.

The bicicletto system by Figini & Lazzati was constructed by Premiata Officina per Costruzioni Meccaniche and Velocipedi & Luigi Figini C., known since 1881 for the production of bicycles and tyres, and also as the firm Alfredo Lazzati & C. both of which were based in via Moscova 70. Bernard Maffeis worked there when he was just 12 years old.

Few if any photos exist of the motor-bicycle but the name appears in advertising published in 1898 in the Gazzetta dello Sport and the monthly magazine of the Touring Club. The engine develops 0.2 hp, barely powerful enough to achieve 40 km/h.

In 1899 Figini and Lazzati received a patent on "the new provision of bicycles engine", and the motor bicycles were marketed under two different brands.

In 1900 Figini left the business and moved to via Volta.

The company also began the production of small cars, and motorcycles were built until 1910.

Lazzati ended production a few years before Figini.

Luigi Figini

Luigi Figini of Milan built his first motorcycle using an engine which develped 0.75 hp and achieved the very respectable speed, for 1898, of 40 km/h. The engine was conventionally mounted in the lower triangle of the frame, inclined to the rear. In 1899 the machine is further developed sporting chain drive and magneto ignition with handlebar adjustable advance - a setup which lasted well into the 1950s.

Source: Moto di Lombardia

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