Can-Am Motorcycles by Bombardier

Today in Motorcycle History

1977 Can-Am 500cc Twin

CanAm Road Bike
The motorcycle CanAm almost made
1977 500cc CanAm Twin

The 1977 500cc CanAm street bike never made it into production. Only 2 or 3 prototypes were ever built (circa 1975). One was a street version which produced about 60 horsepower, while the other was an 85 horsepower road racing version. The engine was borrowed from a Bombardier snowmobile and modified to accept a 5-speed gearbox. The powerplant was liquid cooled and utilized a single horizontal rotary valve. The exhaust system was unique. The lower pipe on each side was an expansion chamber, and was connected to the top pipe (mufflers) with a small tube. This allowed expansion chamber performance while remaining quiet enough for street use. This machine never went into production because proposed EPA emission standards threatened its marketability in the United States. Tony Murphy wrote a magazine article about this motorcycle in 1976. He recently informed me that the prototypes are still running strong somewhere in Canada.

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