
Barigo Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque


Manufactured by Patrick Barigault, Thouars, France 1973-1997

The first production machines appeared in 1980 with Rotax engines, and many were built for competitions such as the Paris-Dakar, later using Yamaha engines. The history of this marque is long and colourful, beginning with frames for Bultaco and Honda competition machines, a partnership with Siccardi, La Magie Noire, involvement with Société Perrotin Automotion, and production of machines for both the military and the police.

Barigo took 3rd overall in the '82 Paris-Dakar. Their 84 P-D machine had a Rotax 560 engine fed by a 40mm Bing, 180 watt alternator. Kevlar tank 38 litres, Ohlins rear and Marzocchi 42mm front with 300mm travel.

In 1992 a supermotard roadster was produced, and shortly afterwards the firm changed hands. The Onixa 599cc DOHC single was known as a fine handling sports machine.

Barigo History


1980 - 500 HB / YB - Honda 500 XLS or Yamaha 500 XT engine.
1983 - 560 GRS Rallye-Raid
1983 - 500 RCB Rotax Cross
1983 - RB 500 Rotax Enduro
1984 - 600 Baja Rotax 560cc Trail
1986 - 500 Mega Rotax 500 Enduro
1986 - 600 Tonic - Competition model, 200 produced
1986 - 600 Evasion - Trail version of the Tonic
1987 - Magie Noire - Supermoto, 10 built, became the Tangara
1992 - 600 SM Supermotard, alloy frame, 48 built
1992 - 600 E - Enduro, SM with lights, prototype.
1993 - 600 Onixa - Sports road machine, alloy wheels, 3 built.
1993 - 600 GT - Police model, 3 built.
1994 - Barilec - Electric scooter.

Barigo Electric Scooter, 1994


Plutot agile, le Barigo etonne par son silence de fonctionnement. Gaffe aux piétons. Même un neophyte cernera bien vite les limites de l'engin qui plafonne a 45 km/h lancé à fond. Et, avec ses 45km d'autonomie, le scoot electrique confirme que son usage est plutot restreint. En effet, il ne se recharge pas dans les stations equipees de bornes pour voitures. Il faut compter sur la bonne volonté de commercants ou restaurateurs pour se reapprovisionner en cours de route ( sur ses sites de location, Barigo se charge de demarcher ces professionnels ). Bref, a 19 950 F le bout, le vehicule electrique est plutot reservé a la location ( 200 F la journee chez Barigo ).

Rather agile, the Barigo amazes by its quiet operation. Watch out for pedestrians. Even a neophyte will quickly identify the limits of the machine which tops out at 45 km / h launched at full speed. And, with its 45km of autonomy, the electric scooter confirms that its use is rather restricted. Indeed, it cannot be recharged in stations equipped with car terminals. It is necessary to count on the goodwill of traders or restaurateurs to restock on the way (on its rental sites, Barigo is responsible for approaching these professionals). In short, at 19,950 F the electric vehicle is best suited for rental (200 F per day at Barigo).

Barigo 560 GRS

MOTO REVUE n°2592 (January 1983)

Barigo 560 : la révélation du rallye. Rien n'indique en enfourchant la Barigo qu'il s'agit d'une moto de "privé". Fabuleux ! On est aussi bien que sur une "usine" perché tres haut, rien d'énorme qui vous force a ecarter les jambes, qui vienne vous botter les fesses des que vous bougez, non. La Barigo, c'est la moto d'usine en vente libre. Un monde par rapport a la moto de Verhaegue ayant pourtant terminé 3eme l'an dernier. Superbe reservoir, il est juste un peu plus large que la Honda, lequel fait office de reference absolue. Commandes OK sauf le disque qu'il faut "pomper" et dont la pression n'a rien a voir, elle, avec celle de la Honda. Mai l'entretien qui a été apporté a la moto non plus ! Le moteur démarre bien à chaud, même si la proeminence du reservoir empeche de voir la fenetre indiquant la bonne position du piston. Bruit sensiblement plus agressif que celui du 500 Rotax, plus grave, plus plein. L'augmentation de cylindree est flagrante : quelle pêche ! Ce truc pousse incontestablement tout pres des XLR ou autres Ténéré et va tres vite ( "le compteur ne va que jusqu'à 140, explique Verhaegue, mais on arrive a ramener l'aiguille a zéro par en bas !" ). L'état de fraicheur de la moto dans son ensemble n'est pas comparable à celui de la Honda, mais neammoins tres acceptable. Quel test de fiabilité ! Certes, la fourche, le frein et l'embrayage ont vieilli ( ce dernier patine legerement ). Mais le reste, super ! La Barigo est relativement maniable, bien stable, saine, bref elle est dans le coup ! L'artisan francais a reussi la un test plus que probant, car sa moto est bien la seule a etre aujourd'hui commercialisee et homologuee. Bien sur, elle coute 35 000 F. Mais le Rotax, cher, est un super produit, il l'a prouvé ici. Et puis pour ce prix tout rond, vous avez une moto 100% prête à vous emmencer à Dakar et ca, c'est unique.

Barigo 560: the revelation of the rally. Nothing indicates when riding the Barigo that it is a "private" motorcycle. Fabulous ! We are as well as on a "factory" perched very high, nothing huge that forces you to spread your legs, which kicks your buttocks as soon as you move, no. The Barigo is the over-the-counter factory motorcycle. A world compared to Verhaegue's bike having yet finished 3rd last year. Superb tank, it is just a little larger than the Honda, which serves as an absolute reference. Controls OK except the disc that must be "pumped" and whose pressure has nothing to do with that of the Honda. May the maintenance that was brought to the motorcycle either! The engine starts warm, even if the protrusion of the reservoir prevents seeing the window indicating the correct position of the piston. Noise appreciably more aggressive than that of the 500 Rotax, more serious, fuller. The increase in cylinder capacity is obvious: what a peach! This thing undoubtedly grows very close to XLRs or other Ténéré and goes very quickly ("the counter only goes up to 140, explains Verhaegue, but we manage to bring the needle back to zero from below!"). The state of freshness of the motorcycle as a whole is not comparable to that of the Honda, but nevertheless very acceptable. What a reliability test! Admittedly, the fork, the brake and the clutch have aged (the latter skates slightly). But the rest, great! The Barigo is relatively manoeuvrable, very stable, healthy, in short it is in the game! The French craftsman has passed a more than convincing test, because his motorcycle is indeed the only one to be marketed and homologated today. Of course, it costs 35,000 F. But the expensive Rotax is a great product, he proved it here. And then for this round price, you have a motorcycle 100% ready to take you to Dakar and that is unique.

Sources: Wikipedia FR,, et al.