French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Motorcycle Museums of France

French Motorcycle Museums and Cultural Collections

Many museums are represented in this collection. If you are involved with such an establishment and would like your museum added, please contact us.

Similarly, if you're a visitor to one of the museums and would like to share your photos, do tell.

Museums of France:

Jean-Luc Gaignard Collection
Montflours, Mayenne
An important collection of over 200 motorcycles assembled over the course of 40 years, it includes an example of the infamous Landru.

Musées de Châtellerault
La Manu 3, Rue Clément Krebs, Châtellerault
Museum of automobiles, bicycles and motorcycles - and much more...

Baster Museum
Musée Baster at Riom, just north of Clermont-Ferrand, has a good array of Italian, French and British machines, some well-known and some quite exotic.
The museum hosts a motorcycle marketplace on the second sunday of each month, and has done for some thirty years.

Musée Chapy
An interesting private collection of motorcycles and scooters including several exceedingly rare specimens.
Musée Chapy

Musée De La Moto Et Du Cyclo
25 Rue des Encloux, 16130 Gensac-la-Pallue. (near Cognac)
Private collection, inspection by appointment.
Informative article by Informative article by

Musée Ateliers des Pionniers
Place de la gare, (Pont-sous) Gallardon
28230 Bailleau-Armenonville
Large collection of interesting machines.

Musée Peugeot
Sochaux, Franche-Comté
Displays some 130 of the 300 motorcycles and bicycles in the collection, along with a similar number of automobiles.
Musée Peugeot

Musée Werther
Private museum, Rue Barla, Nice
Werther Pasquetti's collection contains a number of quite exquisite machines from Terrot, Monet et Goyon, Thomann, FN and the like. It is discussed here:
Society of Automotive Historians

Collection de Motocyclettes Monet & Goyon
Espace Sainte-Catherine - place de la Poste
79500 MELLE

Musee de Montjean sur Loire
The museum closed in September 2006. More...

Musée D'Automobiles du Forez
Sury Le Comtal. Closed in 1981. More...

Many more European museums listed by country here: Motorcycle Museums