Spanish Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Motorcycle Museums of Spain

Public and Private and Collections

Catalan Museu Nacional
Situated in Terrassa, near Barcelona, the museum has a number of Spanish motorcycles in the collection which is housed in a quite beautiful building constructed in 1909.

Museu Isern de la Moto
Established in Mollet, Catalonia, by Josep Isern on the 5th floor of his 7 story motorcycle shop, the collection entails a considerable number of motorcycles from the 1920s through to the 1990s. It is a private museum and group visits are by prior arrangement only.

El Museo de la Moto de Canillo
The Andorra Motorcycle Museum, also known as Museu de les Dues Rodes (M2R), has a fascinating collection which includes one of the few surviving art deco Majestics with a highly unusual paint finish.
Canillo is located roughly midway between Toulouse and Barcelona.
Facebook: museudelamoto

Museo Ángel Nieto Ángel Nieto Museum

Many more European museums listed by country here: Motorcycle Museums