French Motorcycles

Comiot Motorcycles & Tricycles

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured 1896~1899
87 Boulevart Gouvion St Cyr, Paris

Bourdache mentions, on page 46, that in 1896 Ararcellin rode a De Dion-based Comiot tricycle with front forks by Eadie.

There is a Comiot-Créanche tricycle advertised by Marot, Gardon & Cie in 1898.

In the late 1890s Comiot produced bicycles. It appears that the company also produced a motorcycle as there is a poster dating from 1899.

Motocycles Comiot. — Il existe deux modèles (type 1899). Le premier est destiné à la circulation ordinaire dans les villes et sur les routes, sa vitesse est de 25 kilomètres à l’heure ; le second est aussi allégé que possible et indiqué spécialement pour les courses, sa vitesse pouvant atteindre 50 kilomètres à l’heure. Le modèle ordinaire est d’une grande solidité, aucune rupture de pièces n’est à redouter ; il est muni de la fourche quadritubulaire Eadie, brevet Schmit et monté sur pneus Michelin. Le type de course ne pèse que 80 kilos et il est monté sur pneüs Dunlop de course. Il possède un réservoir d’essence d’une capacité de 5 litres, alimentant le carburateur, et un compartiment renfermant 1 litre d’huile minérale à graisser. Le motocycliste pourvu de ce récipient peut courir 250 kilomètres sans avoir à quitter sa selle.

Comiot motorcycles. — There are two models (type 1899). The first is intended for ordinary traffic in cities and on the roads, its speed is 25 kilometers to time ; the second is as light as possible and indicated specially for racing, its speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour. The regular model is of a great solidity, no breakage of parts is to be feared; it is equipped with the Eadie four-tube fork, patent Schmit and mounted on Michelin tyres. The racing type weighs only 80 kilos and it is mounted on Dunlop racing tyres. It has a fuel tank with a capacity of 5 litres, supplying the carburettor, and a compartment containing 1 litre of mineral oil for lubrication. The motorcyclist provided with this container can run 250 kilometers without having to leave the saddle.
Source: Graffigny Chapter VII Tricycles

JLB Creations
Bourdache pp 46, 66, 98

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