French Motorcycles

Le Grimpeur Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque
140 quai de Jemmapes PARIS (15) (also listed as 140 rue de Jemmapes)
Built between 1923 and 1932 1, Le Grimpeur employed powerplants from Aubier Dunne, Chaise,  MAG, JAP and Stainless. The company was bought by Dresch in 1926.

Subsequent to the takeover, the 175cc, 250cc and 350cc models continued in production and a range of 3-wheelers was added in 250, 350 and 500cc versions, one of which won the French Championship in 1928.

The 1928 250cc model had the tank mounted between the upper and lower frame rails. It used a MAG engine and a Dresch 3-speed gearbox.

1. See Feb 2018 post, below.

Sources: Tragatsch,,,

Sat, 24 Feb 2018
honnet.jean-jacques at
Je ne comprends pas ce que vous demandez ici tous modéles

Votre site indique que les motos Le Grimpeur furent construite de puis 1900 . François Henri Denise dans son livre " Les Motocyclettes Henri Dresch " dit que Le Grimpeur construit des motocyclettes depuis 1890 . Sur le forum français LVM des spécialistes de la marque Le Grimpeur disent que cette marque n'existe que depuis 1924... Avez-vous des documents qui permettent d'établir l'existence de Le Grimpeur (in) 1900, voir avant ? Merci l'avance pour votre réponse . Cordialement . J.J. Honnet
Honnet Jean-Jacques
76190 Sainte Marie des Champs France

Your site indicates that Le Grimpeur motorcycles were built from 1900. Franois Henri Denise in his book "Les Motocyclettes Henri Dresch" says that Le Grimpeur has built motorcycles since 1890. On the French LVM forum, specialists from the Le Grimpeur brand say that this brand only exists since 1924 ... Do you have any documents that make it possible to establish the existence of Le Grimpeur? 1900, see before? Thank you in advance for your answer. Cordially . J.J. Honnet
Honnet Jean-Jacques
Sainte Marie des Champs France

    Tragatsch says that production began in 1900, and FM Dumas says the same. However, there is no mention of the marque in Bourdache Volume One, so I suspect that both Tragatsch and Henri Denise are incorrect and that the LVM forum post is more accurate. An forum post says that Le Grimpeur was founded in August 1924 by Ferniot, then taken over by Dresch on an unconfirmed date.

    Wikipedia FR gives 1923-1925. It then says that Henri Dresch continued to produce the PS175 under the brands Le Grimpeur, Dresch and DFR, and the models 250 and 350JM under the Le Grimpeur marque only.

    To further confuse the issue, Hannes Denzel writes (, "Our model is a light motorcycle from the era between 1915 and 1919 and has a unit from the aircraft engine manufacturer Aubier & Dunne with 106 cc displacement."

Sun Dec 13 2015
darcy.belinda at
Any Information!
Le Grimpeur PS 175 1925
Hi there, would you be able to point me in the direction of any spares or information on these bikes please as I am interested in buying one but cannot find any information on them anywhere!
Any help would be greatly appreciatied.
If you have a query or information about Le Grimpeur motorcycles please contact us