
Today in Motorcycle History

Invicta Motorcycles

Invicta motorcycles were lightweights designed by Arthur Barnett.

He constructed the Invicta at his works at West Orchard, Coventry, commencing in 1913. The machines were fitted with 269cc Villiers two-stroke engines with petroil lubrication and a chain-driven magneto. Two models were offered; both had Druid forks. One was belt driven, the other had a two-speed Jardine gear and chain-cum-belt drive.

Engine - 2½ h.p. two-stroke, 269 c.c.
Iqnition - U.H. magneto, chain-driven.
Carburetter - Senspray.
Change Speed - Single-speed, 5½ to 1. Two-speed. Jardine gear, 5½ and 8¾ to 1.
Transmission - Belt or chain and belt.
Dimensions - Height of saddle from ground, 26in. Ground clearance 4in. Wheelbase, 48½in.
Lubrication - Oil mixed with petrol.
Other Features - Druid forks.
Price - Single-speed, 28 guineas. - Two-speed, 35 guineas.

A Barnett and Co., West Orchard, Coventry.

British Lightweights, 1914

In 1919, he joined with Gordon Francis (whose father, Graham Francis, was co-founder of Lea-Francis) at Lower Ford Street, Coventry to form Francis-Barnett.

Tragatsch suggests that the Invicta marque continued until 1923.

There was an earlier Invicta of Clapham built 1902-06, an Invicta cycle car in Leamington around 1912, and there was also an Italian marque of the same name. See Disambiguation.

Sources: Graces Guide, Tragatsch p175, The Motor Cycle

Thu Dec 29 2005
cdh4114 at
I am helping another with a project and he has a Invicta with a JAP engine. The numbers are LYB.

I understood that the LY would designate it as the 550cc model engine, and that the B would be the year. I cannot find any reference to B having been used by JAP to designate a year, would you have any suggestions as to what engine this might be.

The JAP Engine Data page gives the same information. Ed.

I am working on getting some pictures. The bike I have not personally seen as it is on the East coast of the states and I am on the West coast. However the person will forward some pictures when he gets a chance to take them. All I know is that it says Invicta on the gas tank and has a carbide light, pedal starter, chain drive, Armac carburator, I believe a three speed tranmission, single cyclinder side valve, approximately 30cc or so from what the guy says. Sorry this is all that I know currently


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