Arturo Magni Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Magni Motorcycles

Arturo Magni History

Thu Aug 07 2014
bcurtis3234 at
Validate Bike
MV Agusta 750 S Magni
How do you authenticate a MV 750 S Magni? How to tell if it's a real bike?

Fri Dec 11 2009
adrianbechlo at [bounced]
Magni MH1
What is a rough valuation of a Magni MH1 (900 cc Honda motor), 1980 model in excellent condition, VERY loy milage, please.
Cheers, Adrian

The page on Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful.

Thu Apr 20 2006
fredmagni at hotmaildot com
searching for elusive Speedo!!
Magni Sport 1200 (GSX based)
I'm looking for a speedometer (internals,not casing)to complete the rebuild of my 1200 GSX based Magni Sport 1200, 03 Model...I've had no luck as yet after a year of trying!Good money waiting for the right part!..Ace bike, can't wait to get back on the road!..Best wishes, Fred.
West Sussex, UK

Got this in from Giovanni Magni. It is about the Bandit-based new bike:

From: "Giovanni Magni"
Subject: New model
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 13:38:20 +0200

We are very glad to inform you that on our web site, you can find the presentation of the prototype of the new Magni model for the year 2000.

The final version will be presented on September 15th.

Best regards

Giovanni Magni

-- Glenn Bewley/Atlanta karma at atlantadot com [404]

The Magni Motorcycles Official Web site

If you have a query or information about Magni motorcycles please contact us