Motobecane Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

SICAM Motor Bicycles 1920s

Société Industrielle de Construction Automobile et Motocycliste built auxilliary bicycle engines in the early 1920s. It consisted of three partners, Marcel Violet, Charles Benoît and Abel Bardin. All three play an important role in the history of motorcycles in France.
Marcel Violet later designed the Simca Sevitame and his name appears frequently in the annals.
Benoît and Bardin, in 1923, founded Motobécane.

    Paris Salon, 1922
    SICAM. -50x55 mm., two-stroke, driving by belt a separate countershaft from which the drive is usually taken to the back wheel by chain. Expanding pulley used as a variable gear and clutch.
    SICAM. - Sicam proprietary unit, countershaft on down tube of ordinary bicycle frame, transmission by belt and then by chain, rigid forks, 26x1¾in. tyres.

Sources:, The Motor Cycle

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