
Today in Motorcycle History

Radco Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

See Radco History

Forecast and Guide to Olympia.

  • Stand 135 RADCO.

    Two interesting departures have been made by the manufacturers of the Radco two-stroke. Chain drive has been adopted for the sporting model, and a spring frame of somewhat unusual action has been designed. With disc wheels and an external contracting brake the 247 c.c. sporting model is a workmanlike product, embodying many years' experience in the construction of two-stroke lightweights.

    Wider mudguards, foot-boards instead of footrests, and a brake improvement are the chief changes on the belt-driven machines.

    Continued: Radco for 1923

Thu Jan 01 2015
markku.kovasin at
Radco-Jap 300cc SV 1927

Here some photos of my 1927 Radco-Jap 300cc

Radco cycles were one of most popular small motorcycles in Finland between 1925...29.

If you have a query or information about Radco motorcycles please contact us