Swiss Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Ecomobile Motorcycles

The Ecomobile was a monocar built by a Swiss company named Peraves. The company is now based in the Czech Republic and builds the Peraves monocar.

Peraves of Switzerland also produced the Monotracer. (monotracer.com is no longer online)

dwbowers at verizon.net
Ecomobile 2019
Do you sell assembled units? I am a 70 year old former rider and I can't put one together due to arthritis.
Dan Bowers
Davenport Florida USA

Your question is best directed to the manufacturer, listed above. This is an information exchange site, we don't sell anything.

Wed Apr 04 2012
more info on ecomobile plus prices
ecomobile motorcycle
I saw a video of the ecomobile and I am interested in purchasing one. are they available in the United States, and what is the price of one.

Thu Nov 24 2011
ecomobile make as much of the body and frame as possible out of carbon fiber for rigidity/strength and lightweight. This will allow a roomier interior with appointments more like a nice sedan. Steering wheel instead of handlebars. Now stabilize the vehicle with a gyrostat instead of outrigger wheels and use electric drive instead of gasoline engine. SEND ME ONE.
Roanoke, AL (USA)

Sun Apr 03 2011
alexandre.hlenka<at>hotmail dot com

(Translating...) I am Alexandre Luiz Hlenka, graduating the course of Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal Technological University of Parana. Recently, browsing blogs that post on issues of urban sustainability, I came across your vehicle called EcoMobile. I was very interested in the many qualities that it possesses and that are similar to my philosophy of life. First the vehicle is versatile, relatively small, lightweight, and therefore economic and ecological. Not to mention that his design is a blend of functionality, beauty and sophistication. As mentioned earlier, I am a student of Architecture at the Federal Technological University of Parana in Curitiba. Curitiba still has a reputation as a benchmark in city transportation, but that reputation is beginning to become outdated, given the decline of public transport and traffic density higher than the offer from the streets. Every day, I might move me more than 14 miles from my house to the university, and the daily commute lets me run into endless problems that urbanization, with particular attention to transport, that my city is showing. Then I come through this contact, demonstrate my interest in owning one of their vehicles and wondered how it would be possible to do it here in Brazil. Still, I would be happy to receive a vehicle as a donation in return for the disclosure of your brand and product here in Brazil, and put myself at your disposal to search for the full disclosure of your ecological and economical solution for personal transportation within the cities of Brazil . I believe with this work, we would be getting us closer to full deployment of environmentally friendly transport and solver of urban problems, like, we would encourage university research, market and industrial area. I put myself to your disposal for contact.


Alexandre Luiz Hlenka
Brasil, Curitiba

Tue Mar 01 2011
Kneedragger4576<at>yahoo dot com
a bike
ecomobile turbo
I am very interested in ur new bike idea with the Turbo. I currently drag race Suzuki hayabusa's and have owned many Turbo bikes. I really wouldn't mind looking until these Turbo ideas and see how much HP u are going to try and get out of em.
and what kind of engine and turbos u ate using.
actually, since I hear all these great get famous stories, u guys could just build on that could be dragged in the 1/4 mile, and ill ride it to help promote ur business, while in turn, u build one for me! Once your business starts pouring in.
I have been 8 sec in the 1/4 on a street bike. And slot faster on a Turbo. U build it, I can ride it. And my name is known by many in the motorcycle world.u make urs just make a descent time, and I can move em! Plus I'm just a great freaking Guy that loves motorcycles.
Search for me
thanks for ur time
Bradley sumrall

I have forwarded your email to Peraves AG and as there has been no reply I assume they will be freighting your new racer shortly.

Fri Nov 12 2010
meekerdb<at>dslextreme dot com
Aero stability
Ecomobile any
Dustbin fairings were banned from GP bikes because they induced instability in crosswinds. Ecomobiles are faster than those 50's racers and they have a lot more lateral area. Are they hard to handle in cross winds?

Tue Jun 08 2010
sefarmer3<at>gmail dot com
as seen on tv
would like to know if availabel in USA, where,and pricing/models/styles.
KC Missoure USA

Tue Feb 09 2010
marpolin at ig.com.br
ecomobile ecomobile ff
My name is Marcelo, an airline captain from brazil and would like to know more about this beautifull machine (ecomobile) types, price and so on.. i thank you for now..
rio de janeiro

Thu Aug 27 2009
lesterlevinson at sbcglobal.net
ecomobile prices, where to get.
ecomobile don't know
I really love this machine. Are they available in the USA, and what are their prices?
Chicago Il. USA

Thu Sep 06 2007
bsbater1 at insightbb dot com
Peraves EcoMobile
9-2-07, I was in Muncie, In and saw 10-15 Ecomobiles in a group.  These had evidently been customized, and looked like small airplanes.  They had tail fins as well as wings. I was fascinated by them, but have been unable to find them on your website. Could you please provide info on them as well as a photo. Thank you

Sat Dec 30 2006
kevinbreen at hotmail.co.uk
ecomobiler or similar
Where can I buy a feet forward motorcycle from.
Birmingham, England

Wed Nov 16 2005
mark at webuildgreen dot com
Saw Mr. Wagner going through my town in northern Vermont. Very cool! how do I get an ecomobile?

Try contacting the US agent, Dan WHITFIELD in York PA at http://www.peraves.ch/ Ed.

Tue Aug 16 2005
www.fernelylebron at hotmail.com
Mi hijo de 12 años y yo somos admiradores del Ecomobile
Tendrían la amabilidad de enviarme o decirme donde puedo obtener dibujos a línea sobre el diseño del Ecomobile?


Translation: My 12 year old son and I are fans of the Ecomobile Would you be kind enough to send me or tell me where I can get line drawings about the Ecomobile design?

If you have a query about Ecomobiles, or wish to share information on these unusual Swiss machines, please contact us