French Motorcycles


Yvels Motorcycles

Manufactured 1921-1924, 94 Rue Lauriston, Paris

Yvels competed in the Grand Prix l'ACF of 1921. At Le Mans on 26th July 1921: 250cc : 1. Vernisse (Yvel's/JAP), 2. François Clech (Motosolo), 3. Marcel Jolly (Alcyon).

Thu Jun 03 2010
ljac2<at>bigpond dot com
Yvels 1921-1924 racing bike
We are trying to find out about this bike we have ,so far we have not
found anything.
Peterborough, South Australia

  • I can find no reference to a Yvels motorcycle. Where is it made?
Thanks for your reply.
We brought it from a man in Germany,who had restored it.. Translation read: A French racing machine from the year 1921-1924 , built  in Paris at 94 Rue Lauriston . There were two types. The first type with a 250 Jap motor and one with a Villiers racing motor (not a serial motor from Villiers) The racing motor has a very small Kurbeck --  30x, only as big as a cigarette packet and has a very high compression. The cylinder is still very big for cooling purposes.. Magnetic ignition has been built directly onto the shaft, with original carburetor. These machines were built for the Grand Prix 1'ACF 1922. On the original certificate it is written that these machines were run with mudguards and stands, they were 1:15 to make compression higher. The motor is one of the last motors of its kind... This is the information that came from the man, there was a photo , but we did not receive it.
We are interested in finding out more about it...

Many Thanks

Peterborough Motorcycle Museum

Sources:, Peterborough Motorcycle Museum

If you have a query about Yvels motorcycles please contact us