Spanish Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Sala Santy Collection

Avda. Guardia Civil nº1 46400 Cullera (València)

Private collection which is displayed on occasion. Numerous excellent pieces, many of considerable rarity.

A large collection of rarer Spanish motorcycles, many presented "as found" with often quite beautiful patina.

Mike Ricketts has supplied numerous quality images of motorcycles represented in the collection. Presented below is a selection:

Achice c.1958 150cc

Alce 125cc Scooter

Alce 125cc Scooter

ARC 1951 125cc Prototype

ASB 72cc 1951

ASB 72cc 1951

Baesal 50cc Model B 1942

Baesal 50cc Model B 1942

Barbacil 1951 125cc

Barbacil 1951 125cc

BJR YZ175 1956 Sidecar Combination

BJR 175cc Jovis 1958

BJR 175cc Jovis 1958

BJR Eco 200 Motofurgone c.1960

Celta 125cc 1953

Colibri 1947 48cc

David Engine 1949

Derlan MSK94 1956

Ducson 1954 Mosquito

Ducson 1955 49cc

Dunjó-Castells 1957 80cc

Dusco 1957 125cc

Dusco 1957 125cc ID

Elig 125cc 1953

Elig 125cc 1953

Elig 1953 M60 Mosquito

Elig 1953 M60 Mosquito

Esbelta 49cc 1962

Esplugues Engine 1944

Fraso c.1957

Gallur-Piqueres 1954

Halcon, 65cc Inesmo Engine

Husor 201 125cc 1953 Logo

Husor 201 125cc Scooter 1953

Inesmo 65cc 1949

Inesmo 65cc 1949

Iruna 202 1954 125cc

JV Special 1949 125cc

JV Special 1949 125cc Engine

Lanch 1955 98cc

Lanch 1955 98cc

Lanch 1958 74cc

MC 1952 75cc Clua

MC 1952 75cc Clua


MV Agusta 1958 Pullman 150cc

Narcla 125cc 3A c.1952

Navarre y Maestre 1960 200cc

Olimpic 125cc c.1954

Olimpic 125cc c.1954

Reddis RA 125cc 1965

Rieju 48cc 1950

Rieju 42cc 1952

Rieju #5 55cc 1953

Rieju 175cc 1954

Rieju 150cc Sport 1960

Roa 1953 125cc

Rondine 1951 125cc Scooter

Rondine 1952 125cc Sport

Rovena 250cc Sport c.1963

Sanglas 350cc N1 c.1950

SB 1954 98cc

Silco 1950 65cc

Silco 1950 65cc

Simo 1928 150cc

Simo 1928 150cc

Soriano 1944 Tigre 96cc

SSS 1943 Valoset 96cc

Valls 1955 125cc

Valls 1955 125cc

Vespa 1961 150cc Confort Sidecar

Vespa 1961 150cc Confort Sidecar

Villof 1949 121cc Prototype

Villof 1950 125cc DF

Villof 1950 125cc DF ID Plate

Villof 1951 125cc DF

Villof 1951 125cc DF

Villof 1951 125cc DF

Villof 1955 125cc DF

Villof 1955 125cc

Villof 1956 125cc DF

Villof 1957 125cc DF